Friday, August 24, 2007

The Weekend Part 3

With a new weekend before us, I shall lay to rest the past one.

Sun morning dawned warmer then sat.

We lay in bed and talked softly for a long time. There were many things to say to each other this final day. pet had said there was no rush, but I knew he had things he wanted and needed to do. Still, it did not feel rushed, and he gave Me all the time I needed to speak to him of things that I had only thought to Myself.

My feeling was that these thoughts were past our physical expressions, and were certainly of the more intimate emotional sort. The intensity of our relationship had deepened over the past two nites and I belive we had a mutual feeling of allignment with each other.

Finally, around 11ish, we rose for a simple breakfast of a yogurt smoothie (I'd never had one before) and yogurt. Slightly redundent, but good none the less. There was a quietness to this day for Me, knowing that the last one for now was upon us.

In the early afternon, we began the preperations for leaving, which included doing the wash. I was surprised when pet came to tell Me that it appeared the circuit breaker had flipped while the washer was on its final round of towels. But, he quickly discerned that twas not the circuits however, but the power itself that was off. Hmmm.. this rarely happens in the summer time, as tis much more prone to happen in the stormy winter.

I was hesitant to leave a washer half done and wet towels in the dryer, so we found other ways to amuse ourselves for a while. After that round, the power had come back on, and so the washer finished, and towels were put in the dryer. Twas now early evening, and time to head back down the hill. I knew I was coming back on Tue and so would fold all the towels then.

When we arrived home, My Knight needed pet's assistance to move a new couch, however My Knight was with legal clients and so we waited companionably, chatting softly and enjoying our last bit of time together. The couch was moved, and twas time for pet to head home.

With a last kiss and a hug, and the next couple of times to see each other arranged, he headed off into the dusk.

And so ended that weekends adventure. But..
A new one awaits...
And each new adventure, brings us closer and closer..

Looking forward to this next one,

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