Much of My interaction regarding pet has to do with
planning for time with pet and is planning what to teach him next,
training him and then testing him on what he's learned.
So far, he has been an amazing student.
What I had not expected, are the things that he teaches Me.
Last week, he taught Me about how his voice sounds
on the phone in My ear in the dark. Amazinggggg.
And how seeing him while chatting is also,
Never knew either of those things could be so..
He is full of all sorts of surprise, and I like that alot.
This weekend, he learned some new signs,
since I tend to do a lot of communicating with him that way.
I am not surprised at how intuitive he is and how quickly he learns,
for he is a truly brilliant man...
but I am very pleased.
Showed him the sign for bite without telling him what it was,
but he immediately intuited what it was.. and gave Me a very arousing
flurry of little bites that was highly enjoyable.
I've gone back to the dictionary today to find the signs for some
things that we say frequently between us.
'More'.. being one of them. "Oral" another. (smile)
I also like reviewing the signs I've taught him,
as well as some hand signals between us.
As he says, they are very nice for using across a room
when we're the only ones who knows what they mean.
"Again" is one of the signs I use alot with him,
although I think I'll be using the "more" sign alot as well
since that is something that he likes me to say.
So I will teach him that sign, and use it frequently.
And I do like doing things that he likes as well.
Although, indeed, this is as he says, a parliment, not a democracy.
The one word I like him to say, rather then sign
is when he says 'pleasure' with that wonderful
South African accent. Always makes Me toes curl.
And now he's taught Me to 'respond' to it in ways
that make him smile delightedly.
He knows I've been trained to respond to different things in the past
and it appears that even with My pet.. that continues.
Some things I had not over cared for in the past,
he has taught Me a new appreciation for.
I like putting him through his 'paces' for his different kneeling postions
and different standing stances also. He's gotten good at the ones he has
which means it's time to teach him some more.
I also liked teaching him what his propper protocals are,
and I think he likes learning them as well. He is adapting very well.
And as he wrote, I was extremely proud of him when I took him to
meet dear friends, both a Mistress.. and a ...well. I guess she's a
submissive, but she does some Domming as well.
None the less, both found him to be handsome, charming and very
obedient. Both left messages saying how impressed they were with him.
And pet.. well.. pet learned he could trust Me, and that while his private self
is very much intact.. he also learned how to subjucated some of it in obedience to Me.
We have a pretty long list of things on our activity form that we have shared
and will slowly work our way through it.
pet also learned about energy, sensing it, controlling it, and running it.
He is learning how to feel the subtleness of it, and also how to
send it through himself. Both tantric and Reiki.
Different energies on the same dial to some degree,
but he can also now feel the difference between them.
And.. he is learning to run both very well.
I sent him off with the book Tantric Reiki,
Will be interesting to see what he thinks, and learns
from it this week.. and yes..
there will be a test on it at the end of the week pet.
He is also learning (as he calls it) creative writing skills,
and does very well at it, although he doesn't seem to think so.
The fantasies and reports he has written so far have been quite amazing
and delightful to read... and re-read. Over and over.
Now, he has been asked, and agreed to write here.
Writing his most private thoughts will be a bit more difficult though
I think. I have told him, I want to know what goes on behind his eyes.
Another lesson I have learned this weekend,
is also the sort of Mystress that I am.
Which tends to be much more pleasure oriented
then pain. But.. I think I am also learning..
that there will be things I need to do for pet, that
I may not want to, but that he needs Me to do.
And with the dawn of today..
I realized that it is a part of My command of Him,
that I must do some of those things to keep My Dominion
over him.
He gives Me his submission..
but.. I am learning.. that I also need to demand it
and his obedience.. and that My control of him
is not always easy.
I will have to excercise it in ways that are difficult for
us both. I tend to be very gentle hearted...
but.. I realize.. that I have to be firm.. and somewhat stern
as well. That's the difficult part for Me.
I am beginning to understand it when they say
"This will hurt Me more then you"
Not for 're-inforcement'...
of his submission..
but of My Dominion over him.
He knows who owns him..
but I think.. he needs to feel it.
From Me.
Not as much as he has gotten..
but... as much as we both need,
even if its something we don't think we do.
That too is a lesson.
What I did not think I could do,
I now realize,
I must.
Sorry pet..
Well... not terribly..(slightly wicked grin)
but.. as much pleasure as you give,
there must also be a bit of pain.
And the two.. will twine together.
I realized after you left yesterday..
as I re-thought the conversation we had
about our vist to My Mistress friend..
that you do need that.. even if we don't think so.
And.. tis My learning to provide it
and apply it.
I have learned to reflect on the lessons that I have had as a slave Myself
and how I have to apply them to you.
And this.... is perhaps the most difficult of them.
As they were for Me.
I never want you to be afraid of Me,
but I do need you to never know what to expect,
not all the time.
So far.. I have been very careful while our trust builds of each other.
There is something to be said for 'enduring' for ones Master or Mystress.
It gives one a certain pride in one'self.
Giving and getting pleasure is easy pet..
Taking pain... is more difficult.
It requires learning.. a deeper level of submission.
Which is one thing I think you learned this weekend. from Mistress,
now, you'll have to learn it from Me.
Being gallent is easy for you, for that is who you are.
Bending your will to another, not just to please,
but to..
will be something else.
You know I will never damage that which I love and cherish.
but.. I will re-enforce My Dominion and control of you,
and you..
will learn how to take it.
She was right when She spoke of pleasure and pain being linked
and the importance of it.
So.. there are lessons we have both learned,
and more to come in the days, weeks and months ahead.
Trained you wanted to be,
and trained..
you will be.
And I think we will both be up to the task of it.
For the giving and the receiving of it for both of us,
will make us both better for and to each other.
Something to ponder, aye pet?
Living Under the New Regime
1 month ago
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