Our weekend has drawn to a close...and to say it was educational leaves the statement alittle understated.
Mystress and her knight suprised me with a suprise to keep me company while i waited for some car repairs to be done..a most pleasant and welcome gesture. We passed the time with coffee andassorted sugar drinks. With the repairs done it was off to my Lady's place.
Sat was spent in wonderful conversation with both my Lady and her knight...view points discussed..waiting for the evenign to fall. Come the evening...My lady treated her Knight to a wonderful display of sensory exhiliration...i was nervous to do this task before her knight but we all seemed to get into the moment and the experienced proved to be very very enjoyable forall. My duties took my lady and i to the early hours of the morning...where we had a cwonderful intimate conversation sharing some very intimate thoughts...thoughts i shall keep safe in my heart.
Sunday proved to be a day of heavy moving as i offered my help to Mystress friend to help move some furniture. Another of Mystress kind knights lent a hand and we spent much of the day moving furniture. Rewarded with a lovely lunch...the true reward was the information Mystress friends chose to share with us. Some of the information was i admit very intimidating...and ishall have to think about all that was shared...but i feel my Mystress and I connected on a number of points and i feel it shall only serve to strengthen our bond.
Thedays activities have started to take affect on me and i now retire for some rest.
Till i see my Lovely Lady and her Lady of the court Tues.
Living Under the New Regime
1 month ago
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