And that it was.
It came about when I was told that my Knight would be gone for
dinner that eve, and must admit I was genuinely surprised when pet
sent Me a txt saying that woul not do for Me to eat alone and what were
we having? Pet's choice I replied.
Upon My arrival, he was again, startling handsome, this time
dressed all in black with a splash of color in his tie. As usual,
he greeted Me by kneeling and offering up his training collar.
Taking it from him, I bade him to rise. Having come from a
rough day at work, I went to shower while he fixed us dinner for us.
After a bit of a back rub, hugs and as always, delightful kisses.
I mentioned the blog and that he needed to read it a couple of times before and
during dinner. Twas obvious that pet did not understand why I wanted him
to go read the blog here.
He had a puzzled look and I had to prompt him a couple of times
for him to go do it. It was sweet that he did not desire to leave Me
to go read something on the net, but, I knew he needed to
and that My writings would inspire a conversation.
I waited quietly on his couch while I knew he was reading that which would
surprise him.
His eyes when he returned were both slightly startled,
and while not quite guarded, had more then a hint of watchfulness in them.
He sat quietly at first and when I asked him what he thought,
he said "whatver you think Mystress."
I know, I know.. I had just told him two days before that I did not
think I could strike him. And.. Methinks he thought I missed the
flash of dissapointment that crossed his face. But.. I did not.
He also thought I had not realized the pride he had when he took
a spanking from Mistress, enduring it amazingly well.
And while to some degree it shocked him, I think he realized
the value of it, and I think it certainly made him feel very very submissive.
That combined with the reflections of My previous post
gave Me to know what new phase I was responsible to moving us into.
So.. we talked for a few, and I explained what his new position would be,
exactly how he needed to pose. I finally gave him to understand by telling him
he would assume the same postion that Lee did in the movie Secretary on the desk.
And just to see how he would respond, I moved into a more Dominante energy place,
by replicating what My Master does to Me by grasping him firmly by the hair and pulling his head back quite sharply.
His eyes grew very wide at that, and he looked at Me quite startled.
He had not felt Me that way before, and I am sure he didn't know that I
do indeed have that ability within Me to do it. I can. I can channel Master's energy
and through Me, to pet. Surprise! And Methinks he was.
After a few more minutes of discussion, I sent him off to assume this new position.
I let him wait that way for a few minutes.
Now twas indeed an erotic sight, never having beheld him quite that way before.
As I grew close, I kicked his legs further apart. I saw him tremble ever so slightly.
I asked him how he was feeling, and his answer was 'vunerable'.
Pefect. That is what he needed to be.
I landed the first smack and waited. Silence.
"Count!" I told him. "One" he said.
I waited. Silence. "Thank you Mystress, may I have another?"
I prompted him while landing the next hard smack.
"two, thank You Mystress, may i have another?"
After his 10th one, I told him no, he could not and patted the
bed next to Me, bidding him to climb up next to Me.
I held him and petted him.. and spoke with him about his feelings about it.
I could feel his surprise at it still.
But there still needed to be more.
After a few moments, I told him to resume his position
and he obediently did. After smoothing his slightly pink backside,
I delivered a flurry of mixed smacks, some harder then other ones,
knowing he can count them very well in his head.
I would stop and ask how many that was, and then,
as the number gew into the 20's, asked him if he knew where I was
going with this. Yes... he did.. pet did not desire to reveal his birthday to Me
(well, to be fair, he says few know of it and he doesn't like to make a fuss about it,
not taking into account that I would want to know about it, and give ME the
opportunity to celebrate that fact that this amazing creature enhances our planet
with his delightful presence)
and so had earned a spanking for that. All the way up to his current one,
and then one more for good measure. It was a goodly number to be sure.
pet also listed wrong the full number of smacks that he received in his posting,
but to ensure his privacy, we won't recount that now.
Some were harder then others, and I did much rubbing between them..
of both his backside and other intersting parts. Hmmm.. pet is aroused by this.
How fascinating to know. Note to Self......
After wards, he was indeed Commanded to do what
he does do so well, and did it very very well indeed.
Certain aspects of it were amazingly charming,
and some so intimately joyful that I will keep those between us.
Later the conversation turned to his lack of communications about how
he had felt about needing to be disciplined. How he had kept those feelings
to himself, even though I had asked him repeatedly how he felt about things.
To his benifit, he thought he was protecting Me, when in truth,
he was denying Me the information I needed to be the best I can for
the both of us.
"5 MORE!"
He reassumed the postion, and I must admit, that first
smack was very very hard, and I almost stopped.. but
realizing that he needed this lesson to not forget to communiate,
I did indeed finish the job that needed doing.
While I was not angry with him exactly,
I was perhaps exasperated. It is NOT his choice
to decide what I need to know and what I do not.
It is his obligation to tell Me all things.
He is in fact, Commanded to do do.
To not communicate his feelings is disobedient,
and that I will not tolerate.
Nor will I hesitate to discipline him again for such an infraction.
Just like deciding I did not need to know about his birthday.
Having been and being in something of a state like that Myself
from inattention and inability of Myne own Master,
I refuse to accept it from My own pet. That sort of
self censorship is unhealthy in this relationship.
He MUST tell Me all of his thoughts and feelings as
they regard to us and this relationship.
pet sometimes remindes Me of Spock...
he is very very logical minded.. something about too much
time with computer I think. Getting him to speak of feelings
can sometimes be difficult, and that is also one of the things
that this blog is supposed to be about.
Not just reporting the facts of what happened..
but how he felt about it.
That is certainly something he still needs to work on.
But.. I must also remember, that so much of this is new to him,
and that he does strive to do his best.
Baby steps.
Pet thinks he won't need to assume that postion very often
because of how well behaved he is.
That would be a wrong assumtion to make pet.
For tis not just about discipline..
it tis also about training,
and the submissive mind set.
You are a big and very strong man.
Well muscled and bright. You are muchly in control of
your life. But in this regards, you have given yourself to Me,
and My intention is to keep you in your submissive place.
Because.. as you agreed last nite..
you need it.
Few things make you feel truly submissive pet.
but being vunerable, and having to take what you do not wish to
that.. makes you feel submissive.
So.. I guess we come round full circle..
and I think to some degree, Mistress was right.
It DOES re-enforce your submissiveness.
And while I am not the 'enforcerer',
for you.. I do have to be your Mystress,
and I cherish your submissive heart, and
must train you to be even more so, for how else
can you appreicated the rest of you if I do not?
You came to Me.. and asked Me...
I did not find you.
I agreed to do so, and you have accepted My collar.
So now we are both obligated.
And you are right..
this is not just for you either..
it tis also for Me.
And I have promised you pet..
I will do this job, and I will do it well.
So tremble some pet..
you will assume that position more times
then you think. But you submission will always
be cradled and loved and cherished for the precious possession that it tis.
And you should realize by now, that you must not keep secrets from Me,
or hide your feelings or thoughts. That was the deal from the very beginning.
I have stood by My part of it, and you, you are Commanded to stand by yours.
With ever growing affection pet..
for you to be the best you can be for both of us,
All ways yours,
Living Under the New Regime
1 month ago
I read this today and shiver at the wonderful similarities between you and I Mystress. If I am permitted to speak so boldly to not know you and know that the minute I see words I've spoken myself, uttered by you a year ago, spoken by me recently :
"You came to Me.. and asked Me...
I did not find you.
I agreed to do so, and you have accepted My collar.
So now we are both obligated.
And you are right..
this is not just for you either..
it tis also for Me."
I am aware succinctly of the parallels and smile happily for the newfound similarities I discover. (Re-reading from start to finish, this blog that I enjoy so).
Thank you kindly Muse..I am glad that our words touch in as they do us. You are always welcome, nay, encouraged to please, speak your mind openly and share with us all that you would.
Part of My great joy in owning Paladin.. is that he DID find Me.. this amazing mind.. so different from so many.. and so well cued to match My own.... unusual way of doing things. I believe that we bring alot to each other, and he certainly to My friends and some family as well.
Tue nite, when I watched him do his kneeling positions before bed...and watched him lay his head on the bed as he knelt... knowing that this is a part of his gratitude for us... and I was also overwhelmed with it. I know so many who are so unhappy, or seeking that Dom/me or sub that their heart so desires...and I think how much this amazing man has taught Me.. and I know how much I have taught him and the evolution from where we both came.
I never, ever take what we have for granted. We know the value of each other to us..and that is both within us, and within the triad that we have with My Knight as well. My Knight knows that he has someone he can absolutely count on to look after our well being with a logical mind and a spiritual heart. And that... Paladin exemplifies to Me.. and well.. ok... some sensual parts too.. mmmm.. yes.. well.. so we do appreciate and relate to you very much.
Thank you for commenting on this.. as it brings it back up to mind, which is a good thing. Sometimes to go back and read some older things is a good thing to do. I can still remember how surprised I was when the text came up. That was before our now established Tue's and Thur. And I don't' remember if I knew when I was seeing him again or not.
I found I hated not knowing when I was going to be seeing him.. so first we set up Thur, because that is when Survivor is on. and yeah.. we love it. Then an incident occurred and I demanded to see him on a Tue. It was decided that once a week wasn't enough. Now, with those two days a week as our core, and a weekend or other day here or there or a cancellation because of work or something it's all alright because we have been able to work it out for us both.
I guess I'd have to say.. there have been more and more evolutions as time has gone by. That may be good for Me to write about this weekend. It's gonna be hot, and I'm stayin' inside where its cool so I hope to get some blog entries done on some other subjects. Good thing that Paladin does his job so well of keeping some sort of running update.
Speaking of.. about time for Me to get ready to go see him. He's made a casserole for dinner tonight, bet it will be yummy, just like him!
Best Wishes and smiles to all,
Both of you ladies have such a wonderful way with words...a true pleasure to read.
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