A word from Mystress about the 'flashbacks'.
Before I began this blog, I had given Paladin the assignment
of writing reports to Me. He knew from My first letter to him
that this would be a requirement, to write Me of his thoughts
and feelings of all the things that passed between us.
Being something of a digital pack rat
I have all of the letters that Paladin has written,
so I asked him permission to publish here
some of the things he had written Me before we
began the blog.
So, as pet has been so very busy
and not sleeping well due to a nasty cough
(and they are certainly going around)
and I had given him grace from posting here last nite,
so I decided that this was the
day to post these 3 letters from him.
He should be posting his report of our last meet tonight,
but it will depend on what time he gets home for
a promised assistance to a friend, for pet is
one of the kindest of men, and is gracious
to offer his assistance to his friend.
And, as I see it, his obligation to his friend,
and to his health comes first. pet will also have a
busy day with family obligations tomorrow.
So here are his words to fill in some of the
spaces for him in the meantime.
The Bracelet and Thoughts.
Mystress had asked me to get her a symbol of my devotion.
Now what this entailed or required i admit was beyond me at first.
Things became much clearer however when Mystress presented
me with my bracelet. I admit i did feel somewhat down when
i received it because i hadn't had the time to get Mystress's yet.
Mystress explained why she chose this bracelet and her
explanation made it crystal clear the bracelet i wanted to get.
I spent the Sunday morning running from store to store....
looking at the collection of bracelets...it had to be silver...
that was a given. I however was looking for a special
combination of attributes. Then it happened...
i saw the one i wanted.....
It was a beautiful silver bracelet....
what drew my eye and heart to it was the
small silver heart attached to the bracelet.
This to me signified me giving my heart to Mystress.
The bracelet itself was also unique.
The bracelet comprises of many double links....
each pair of links forming one solid link...
this represented to me my Mystress and myself entwined..
interlocked forming a complete circle.
My decision was made..... I made the purchase
hoping my choice would fit my Mystress wrist.
They only had two bracelets left and the second wouldn't
even fit my wrist.
The Monday came and my Mystress came to visit......
i was nervous to present my Mystress with my choice
but when i did....her wonderful response...
put my heart to rest some....The final thing to do was put it on my
Mystress wrist. It fit....whew now i could relax....
That Monday lead to a wonderful
union between my Mystress and I.....
The union spawned many thoughts the days to follow....
i pictured myself pleasuring my Mystress orally.....
or with my finger or anything else Mystress so desired.
I pictured Mystress on my bed...writhing in ecstasy
as orgasm after orgasm wracked my Mystress body.
All Mystress would say is MORE and i would jump into action....
teasing Mystress...driving her to new heights.....
feeling her wetness grow...feeling her heat spread....
hoping to union with my Mystress.....and to reach the
ultimate height together.
Hmmm i can't wait to relive these thoughts with my Mystress.
Written by Paladin
to Mystress
1 week ago
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