As Paladin writes... Our Lady joined us for another delightful evening last nite.Dinner.. conversation.. and yes.. some practice. I did indeed give her the title of MIT.. Mistress In Training... and Paladin... was the practice pet. She spoke about the past weekend with her husband's female slave in attendance and some of the things that occurred. The slave assists our Lady in a gardening project.. and afterwards, felt she was too 'self directed'... and it was too much like 'hanging out with friends'...
So.. I did indeed give her a few tips. I showed her Paladin's kneeling sign, which of course, she has seen numerable times, since she began going to visit him with Me occasionally since last fall. And they took their Reiki Level 2 training together as well.
So.. I suggested that the sign works well because she can drop the slave to her knees from across the yard if need be... and Paladin agreed that would quite enjoyable to a slave and help one feel owned and submissive.
I had m'Lady practice 'dropping' Paladin again.. this means standing to the side or behind him with one's hand tugging on the slaves hair.. heavy or light pressure, Paladin immediately drops to his knees. I had her do this again, several times so that she got the true feel for it.
The night continued with her 'Commanding' him.. (with a few prompts from Me). She (like I was before Paladin) is very unsure about 'telling' someone what she wants or needs. Neither of us are the sort of women that 'boss' other's around.. and I told her you can still be polite to your slave.. I do always thank him. and much of the time I do say please..even though he knows its non-negotiable. As I said yesterday to some one.. and I meant it.. Manners are the foundation of Civilization. Just because Paladin has given himself into My service.. is no reason for Me to treat him in a way I different from anyone. The fact that he is My most cherished possession.. well.. makes My treatment of him all that more important. And.. again. I am very very proud of him. As I told m'Lady.. he has trained Me perhaps more then I have trained him. In many ways and things. And I keep learning from him as well.
As the evening progressed, she practiced.. and I enforced a bit. This was the first time that she had ever Commanded him herself.. and I think not the last time either. And he was his usual charming, quick, courteous and affectionate self. He has come a very long way.. and it's gratifying that she can feel him getting more and more comfortable with her.
I don't think she'd ever had a man kiss her feet before, and I told her he would stay there until she brought him up. (smile) he was.. very.. beautiful while he was doing it. and she was.. tickled.. and then finally stopped him.
All in all it was a wonderful evening.. and we'll look forward to more 'training' time with her. I gave her a variety of suggestions and Paladin also told her what works for him as a submissive that I do to reinforce that.
Paladin indeed mentions his busy schedule. So tomorrow will be our last known time together for perhaps a couple of weeks. That sounds..... daunting. But.. we will have txt and phones.. and we'll see how his time and work goes. We shall practice again tomorrow nite our methods for dealing with it.
On that note..
best wishes to all..
and to all..
a good nite.. or morning.. depending on where you are in the world.
Living Under the New Regime
2 weeks ago
I am still bedazzled by the efforts put into this relationship to maintain such a wonderful
level of interest and anticipation.
Never a routine day, or night, both seem to draw from each other in a union that grows
stronger with each passing moon.
Trust and understanding have always been Mystress's rule and I believe Paladin has taken
those idea's to a level that would be hard to equal. The more I learn of his service to the
One, the more I understand Her pride of ownership. She is very proud of Her champion and
with that I sense a fullfillment in Her heart that brings a smile to my face.
In the beginning I thought Paladin to be the lucky one.
Chatting with Mystress, I could assume She to be the one blessed.
In reality, it is we who are fortunate to be offered this portal into a most intimate dance
between two rare souls.
A journey I feel that has just begun.
Thank you for your kind words Robert. When Mystress and I get comments it makes us smile form ear to ear as we love to hear feedback from others.
Just a side note on comments. Mystress had me repost it to censor the names. We only use our alter egos here so names were changed to protect the innocent (well mostly innocent).
My apologies Paladin and thank-you for correcting the situation.
I appreciate the personal touch also.
It is amazing how well the two of you click and I am very thankful that the two of you found each other.
I have never seen Her Highness happier.
Or for that matter, Her pet Leo's either. :)
Thanks again, Paladin.
No kidding. Sometimes reading your posts inspire me that I might find the same thing someday.
Other times I do need to avoid your site at all costs since reading about it just makes me want it more.
I'm very happy for you both.
Thank you for your kind comments My long time friend. I am glad that you find enjoyment reading here with us. I am indeed very proud of My Paladin, he is much like you, a big, strong masculine man who will submit, but only to the right woman. There is nothing 'wimpy' about either of you and that is the biggest turn on for Me of all.
Thinking of 'pet Leo's.. doea bring a smile. Yummmy!
And to Axe...
Well.. it took Paladin many years of seeking.. as it did Myself. I don't know if he ever came close to giving up the search.. but there were certainly times I did. Months went by when I did not either look, nor post on CL either, too frustrated and depressed to try again. But...
I did not give up.. I continued My quest, and, it was Paladin who finally answered, just when I was about to give up again. And yes, we did meet from CL. So, don't give up hope. Keep reading. Post your own ad and see who or what finds you.
Best to all, always,
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