And indeed... it really really was! Between helping with a wedding of town, and wonderful company today.. it HAS been busy.
But.. Paladin has never been far from My thoughts at any time. We have stayed in pretty close touch via texting. He did forget to ask for grace when he spent the night at a friends after all the late nite moving, and didn't get a chance to post to his blog. I had rather expected him to ask for grace last nite... but it was his first message this morning. I certainly knew how exhausted he was when he crawled into bed late at his friends last nite. He did earn bonus points by sending a wonderfully amazing picture to Me at 1:15amthe previous morning. I had asked for one, but around midnight ( I think) I had told him to simply do it in the morning. But. he still chose to do it then.. and it was obvious that he had gone to a lot of effort to do a really extra-special one for Me. It was truly drool-able!
Being Paladin's Mystress means taking all things into accordance. And for Me.. it's important to make sure that he follows the rules.. but.. to also give him all the credit that he deserves for all the wonderful things he does.. and for the effort that he always puts out. Sort of like an average I suppose.
The next two weeks are not going to be the same as we have been use to. We have both done our best to prepare us. Much of what we do is also energy exchange.. that means a lot to Me. But.. much of what we do is also mental and emotional as well as physical.
A while back, I wrote about 'balancing', and the difficulties of it. Right now... I am feeling pretty well balanced. But then.. Tue nor Thur of week 1 has passed. Nor do I think we ever set it up that we simply would not see each other for that long a time. It was more...'most likely' we won't. I am somewhat...uncomfortable with the finality of this. I didn't get to 'choose' it.. but I am dealing with it.. and most importantly.. making sure that Paladin is not over stressed during this time. This is a vitally important project that he is involved with at work, and he will need all of his faculties about him and all the best that he can be, and as well rested each day as well.
We know..that the next time will come along. And.. after the two weeks, I do get him for a whole weekend again. It will be the 4th Fri again. So.. I will keep that in mind.
In the meantime... I am proud of Paladin for his kindness in helping his friend move. And all the long hours and hard work that he'll be doing in the next couple of weeks as well.
I did give him one requirement for the next two weeks... or until I see him again. And that is.. that he is to perpetually have 'YOURS' written on his thigh at all times. And I want to be able to have a pic of it when I want it.. And that it always be there until the next time I see him. And then.. I will wash it off Myself. And replace it with My preferred 'marks'.
So.... that's it for th time being.
Hope that all are well out there..
and best to all,
Living Under the New Regime
1 month ago
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