Paladin is right about Tue nites.
We've not yet quite settled down into
what they will become, other then a continuing
evolution of time, training and pleasure for both of us.
This past Tue was a bit different.
Pet does not mention that for part of it,
he was put in charge.. the beginning part to
be exact. It was a bit of a 'switch' for us both.
But.. one thing that I certainly did learn,
is that I had a very hard time staying
in a more 'bottom' sort of mode, because
while in the past I have had flashes of submissiveness
with him, this time, that really did not happen, and it
was much more of a 'bottom' sort of experience
that I had a hard time maintaining. So,
while pet will be in charge of some 'projects'
that we may share, tis always done under the auspices
of being Commanded to do it. And this is what I had
told him when I buckled his training collar on this night,
that anything he did, he did under the fact that I was
Commanding him to be in charge and surprise Me.
The surprise came to Me in how hard it was for Me this time.
So many times I wanted to grab his collar as I am used to doing,
or give him a Command as to what to do next.
I also know that this is not remotely pet's choice to be in charge.
But.. he had mentioned some things he would do if he had
the chance to, so I thought I would give him that chance.
And.. .he did an amazing job.
But... I did not let him finish the nite out
but took control back from him.
And we were both happy to be back in our proper places.
Now.. as for the weekend. Pet is not exactly right when
he says that 'no' plans have been made for after the class.
(smile) there ARE some. There is a general idea,
and pet knows what his job is in this. To provide
relaxation and pleasure. Now, exactly what mode that will take,
yes... that is still yet to be determined,
although I think we have some ideas.
pet does have a few licks coming for pretending ignorance
on a specific request last nite, (surely you KNEW what we
wanted pet, did you really need to ask for clarification?!)
He says he doesn't know what a 'swizzle stick' is.. (maybe
this is an American term that pet as a non drinker and
from a British Colony has not been exposed to)
so he may get to experience that first 'hand' (so to speak)
(although it certainly WON'T be his hand that performs
as the swizzle stick) as well.
As for the level 2 Reiki class..
I am very proud of pet wanting to continue
his training in this area, and his specific desire to
take this level because of his desire to be able to help
Me by sending Me distance Reiki when I am stressed or
not well as I currently do with him. As for level 3..
pet knows that I have become very very energy
sensitive to people and situations and that I can feel
windblown by buffeting energies. Pet does not desire
to have this particular experience. For Myself, this
has come about more and more from the number of
Reiki attunements that I have done. Each makes Me
more sensitive then I was before. I do not know if all
Reiki Master's are this way, but this seems to be how I
am. So he does not desire this for himself, although I
have told him that just because one has a level 3 training
one does not have to choose to be a Master Teacher as I am.
In fact, it was several years before I was called to teach as I am.
And so, I was not affected as I seem to be these days.
Anyways... the weekend shall be diverse I do believe
and hopefully informative, relaxing and enjoyable for all!
As always... best to all out there
and as pet said, to those still seeking,
keep looking.. for we are proof that
perseverance pays off!
Living Under the New Regime
1 month ago
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