Pet strives to do his best.
And I am ever proud of him.
But... there are times.. when even with his striving
he is not as perfect as he would like to be.
We have talked at length.
His duties are not too much.
Sometimes he gets overwelmed
and then he gets to many things
going on in his head.
So I asked him what the answer was,
and he said...that he feels he needs discipline to remember.
He knows that spanking him has been difficult for Me
to do in the past. And I expect it will be to some degree still.
However.... I as I told him.
I for one.. am NOT an 'old dog' who cannot
learn new tricks. I refuse to put Myself in that box,
or limit My growth and evolution for both Myself
and Paladin's sake.
As he has to grow and change to adapt to 'us'...
so do I.
pet missed 2 of his duties yesterday.
They slipped his mind.
He had no inkling until I queried him on it tonight.
But he was very aware once I pointed it out to him.
So.. tomorrow, pet will be
I have told him...
It WILL hurt.
No grace this time.
That hopefully after THIS time, it will stand out
in his head. And that he'll remember his duties.
Last weekend's discipline was the hardest that I
had given him to date.
This one.. will be harder.
And longer.
He WILL remember it for a while.
He says it not bothering Me to spank him
would make it easier for him.
Well, I can to make that happen.
As I also told him, I've been reading.
Blogs.. and pages about D/s relationships
and especially discipline and spankings.
And there is a different mindset that I am adjusting to.
What I realized, is that every time I have done it,
pet has been proud of Me.
He's gone out of his way to tell Me this.
I will want him to be very very proud of Me tomorrow.
And... a secret....
shhhhh... don't let anyone else know..
but every time I've spanked him....
I've noticed...
his cock gets hard.
Interesting huh?
And when his cock gets hard,
I get ... aroused.
So I asked him tonight,
if the thought of My enjoying spanking him
made his cock twitch.
I bet you all know what he said..
he said...
So, with that as a mindset,
I am rather looking forward to seeing pet..
for several reasons .
The hour is getting late...
I sure hope he doesn't forget his blog tonight.
Best to all,
Living Under the New Regime
1 month ago
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