The ritual of our weekday time together is much the same every time we meet.
I have worked to forge it into something predictable and reliable for Paladin and Myself. Some of the aspects vary, but much of the essential framework doesn't. This is also in part to give pet a reliable expectation of things, again, because he is so oriented into a schedule. This is his comfort zone, and there is enough of this that is new to him, so he needs to have some anchors of what to expect, in so much of what he has no idea of what to expect.
Each time I arrive, he greets Me, down on one knee, clad now only in his work shirt, and black and gray wrist and ankle restraints. He holds up his training collar to Me in his left hand, and his other in his sign of fealty, which is his right hand clasped in a fist over his heart.(see 'Paladin's Stances to see pics of this) His black and gray lead line is also nearby on the couch. Generally at this point I kneel in front of him and look into his eyes as he says his mantra to Me as follows:
""I am your loving protector, your Paladin, and i bid my deepest obedience and submission to you, my dear sweet Mystress, guardian of my loving heart."
At this point, I take his training collar from him and buckle around his neck. I will hug and kiss him then. After waiting a bit, I'll tap him on his shoulder and release him from his position. This is when he will wrap his arms around Me and kiss Me. This is always a very deep embrace that reunites us. It is our releasing to each other of how glad we are to see each other, and we both feel this very strongly. We melt into a kiss and hug.
Then pet gets us drinks. Me usually water, him often juice of some sort. Next he assembles dinner, whether I have brought it, or he fixes it. He will often come and hug, rub and kiss Me while dinner heats up, and then he sets the table and lights the candle for us. We both find this too a very uniting part of our weekly pattern. At dinner we chat and touch hands frequently. If Survivor or something else is on, then we'll eat while watching the show.
After dinner, it depends on what happens next. Sometimes we go straight to the bath, and sometimes I'll get a bit of a massage and sensuality. I do have to remember to take off his restraints before the bath - and then put them back on afterwards.
We take our bath together by candle light which we both enjoy quite a bit, washing and I often have him shave My legs slowly and sensually. This is the time when we also talk about a wide variety of things. Sometimes light, sometime serious. It seems to be a very relaxing time for us both. I shaved pet a few times, but decided it was best that he do it himself. We both enjoy checking for soap, and then drying each other off. When I dry Paladin off, he must stretch his hands out to touch the opposite walls of the bathroom and I relish rubbing his beautiful skin dry and to a ruddy glow. He has to stay that way until I release him.
Fresh and smooth from the bath, we adjourn to the bedroom.Paladin lights the two taller candles, and then we each light one wick of the dual wicked candle that we got for our Commitment Ceremony. Then it's time for him to finish his more 'intimate' shaving duties of Me when it is needed. He seems to be getting more relaxed about them, and I still find it both relaxing, reassuring and very erotic.
Where we go from that point varies. Normally it starts with Paladin blindfolded and laying on his back being self restrained. Sometimes I tie him when I feel that he needs to really have his power taken away. Sometimes, I give him a nice, slow erotic spanking with lots of rubbing. And I also love to tease him with all sorts of things. I have learned to tease him until he begs for Me to release him. but he does not beg for his own release.. nooo.. pet is such that what he begs for is to give Me pleasure! For what he wants to be most of all, is a pleasure slave. And he is.. he is again, the most remarkable man in that way. For he desires to serve Me by giving Me pleasure above all things. And that.. (like everything else he does) he does amazingly well. And he listens and observes very closely, so that he knows exactly how to do it better then anyone I have ever known. He has learned to tease Me the same way that I do him. So our evening is such that it consists of both of us being teased by the other till we can barely stand it. There is always much passion and affection and often laughter.
It used to be that I would leave on weeknights and drive Myself home somewhere around between 10 and 11ish. But in recent weeks, it has come to be that now I spend the nights with Paladin. And I have to say.. I so much prefer it to leaving him at night. If I am working, then I drive off to work from pets, but if not, then I drive home. I'd so much rather do it after sleeping curled next to pet rather then having to rouse Myself from being weak limbed with pleasure, get dressed and leave pet to drive home in the dark of nite. Somehow the leaving diminished the comfort of the visit. He seems to have quite gotten used to Me spending the nite with him as he sleeps much quieter now then he used to. In the morning before his shower, I take off his restraints and after his shower, his collar.
I have come love the mornings as much as the nights. I did get quite a chuckle a couple weeks ago when Paladin came down the hall from his bedroom, fresh from his shower, naked and carrying his clothes... with a q-tip sticking out of his ear. When I laughed at how he looked, he grinned and said that his hands had been full. Still.. tis those little moments like that that give Me some of the greatest pleasure of being with pet. I love watching him get dressed.. and knotting his tie.
Something else that I have come to cherish, is those mornings when I don't have to work, and Paladin will allow Me to stay in his home until he comes home from work at lunch time. And.. the one truly magical day that I got to spend the whole day. We had lunch together, and I got to be there when he came home, and then, wonder of wonders... have another evening with him to rise on a Saturday morning, slow lazy and relaxed. Mmmmm, such a rare and wonderful treat.
When time comes to leave, we discuss our next meeting, usually what we'll have for dinner or which of us will get it. I find I feel much better leaving him when I know when I will be seeing him again before I go. Since we have set up our meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays I never have to wonder and that is a vast relief. But sometimes something will come up and I won't see him on those days. If he has an early meeting, or will be having a long day, or if I have spent time with him and I feel he needs time alone. I want to give him space as well to be himself and alone. He's told Me that he recharges much better when he is alone. I have to understand that and give him the space he needs as his work demands a lot of his mental capacity and I never want to be a cause of stress to him.
After we finish breakfast, he gives Me another deep kiss and embrace and he walks Me down to the car. With a last good by kiss by My car, he heads off to his own and I head off, carrying his energy and scent on Me.
He often sends Me a text, which I return when I arrive home or at the next place I stop.
Pet has learned the importance of the progression of things. And because he is such a strongly schedule oriented person, I believe that it fits in well with his personality. Everything that
I do with and for him is geared to be that way. Each thing to enhance, teach and arouse us both.
Paladin has learned a lot about ambiance in the months since we met. He always lights a candle on the dining table, some in the bathroom, and two more on the nite stand in his bedroom, plus our special candle with a dual wick. I will usually have Paladin put some music on as well.
Little of what happens is strictly for one or the either of us and we frequently point that out to each other as well. Tis our pleasure that we share together.
I am moved to that he has kept the table in his bedroom. When we first met, there was only his bed. Now a place to set the much needed glasses of water along with the candles. I do not desire to change anything in his home that might put him off balance or make him feel intruded on. He has said that perhaps he would get a nite stand for the other side of the bed. That would be nice, but only if it's something he genuinely desires to do. It would certainly make it easier to have a place for water and My phone at nite.
Well... so there it is. The pattern of our weeknights. Our weekends are often quite the same, just with extra time for pleasure thrown in. And movies. We both love to watch movies. Paladin just got one that I am very anxious to watch with him, but it's a long one and we'll have to wait for another weekend day in a few weeks to come along. We have come to find that we enjoy many things together, and each other's company. One of the sweetest things that Paladin has ever said to Me (well, it was really a text ) that he sent earlier in the week saying that he had awakened in the middle of the night missing Me. I can't say how deeply that touched Me.
I look forward to the continued evolution of our experience.
As always,
best to all,
1 week ago
what a nice post. i look forward to hearing about the continued evolution of your time together as well. :)
I couldn't agree more. Mystress really does write quite lovely...and each time a read a post of Mystress's i am touched at her words.
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