Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Paladin's Dedication...

Paladin writes in his last post about his poses.... and his comment to Me.. that what I had him once do... he still does.. and that he loves what he has. I found that very deep and moving.

As for as for Me... watching him do his poses.

There are times I like observing him as though I wasn't there. Most times it is spontaneous... it'll pop in My head that I'd like to see him do something that I normally wouldn't see him do. It had crossed My mind that I wanted to see him do them. (Note to pet- I think I shall add it as part of our ritual that you do it before bed whether I am there or not. And that also means wherever we might be and nite falls - smiles)

When I want to watch him do something like the poses, he knows this means to do whatever he would be doing if I wasn't. Changing his clothes... slowly strapping on his restraints, watching him trim himself.... Most of these things I watch laying across his bed facing the closet, which sheds a path of light on right side of the bed.

I was.... as usual laying in the position when he knelt into the first pose. I had asked this of him earlier, and I had forgotten until as he came to bed, he gracefully sank down on both knees in front of the bed, and took up the first position. It did look prayerful.. he laid his head on his clasped hands and became very calm. I asked him what he thought about and he answered Me very quietly. To paraphrase.. it was about gratitude to Me.. which I was very humbled by, and to to feel the depth of his quiet submission to Me.

Then he moved into the fealty position. This felt different from the one that he normally gives Me when I arrive. It was very.. intense.. yet again... silently strong. I could feel the energy radiating from him as he did this. And.. that he did this for Me... made Me feel all the more blessed to own him in all the ways that he has given himself over to Me. This was the difference between having him do it to Me... verses for Me. This was.. for Me.. not to Me.. and it was that wonderfur energy that I felt in waves from him. How amazing it was to feel that. And I thank him from the depths of My heart to him. He has been unwaveringly staunch to Me every moment of time since I collared him some nine months ago.

More then any other words of loyalty that he has given Me, was the impact from watching him do those poses. I never had any doubt dear readers of the depths of his dedication... but this.. was a very private glimpse for Me of the strength of his submission and loyalty to Me.

I do not have a reprecussional pose for him, but the same depths of loyalty and dedication exist to him as well. I know that he knows this.. as I always make sure that he does.

I am... relieved and deeply grateful that he and I are in such a good place together. So many are having a variety of difficulties out there in the blogging world.. some have simply gone quiet.. others have moved to private exclusively. everyone does what they have to do as their relationship dictates.

I have given Paladin a few things to make sure he keeps up on at home while I am away. One.. is to make sure that there are 2 hangers (with space on either side of them) backwards. And.. that he have a certain DVD we plan to watch together, also backwards. (smiles) Those are to be visual reminders of My control over him when I am 'away'. According to a our good Leo friend, these are things that will make Paladin have a wee bit of uncomfortableness. Which is good in this case.

I have also Commanded him to create and wear a small mark on himself everyday now until I see him again. (Note to pet.. you need to send Me a picture of it as well)

Tonight he has family visiting and I hope he is having a good evening with them. We have company from out of town staying with us for a couple of weeks now as well. Hence the lessoned time with Paladin for the next couple of weeks. But.. we will have a nice weekend at the end of the time and I am sure we will have a passionate reunion.

And on that note.. for now.. good nite to all..
and to all.. a good nite,

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