Dear Readers.. I have been so busy that I've not had time to even post it seems... however My wonderful and amazing Paladin has kept the flame lit. I started this post at 10:11am on 7/18/08 and I am now just getting to it and finishing it. With the advent of robert, I find Myself busier at the times that I was normally online in the past. There is always something to be tended too, or to be discussed or whatever. But this is all good...
Tis been another busy week for Me, it did fly by it seemed. Hardly seems twas a week ago today that our beloved Miss Kitty passed away.
This has been a busy week for Paladin also as his company is having their annual meeting hence the part of the reason that I didn't get to see him last nite. The other is that twas My dearest friends birthday party, My ex-Mistress... and I would have been there to celebrate anyways. She has however chosen Paladin to receive her ' birthday spanking' as "He has a cute backside" she says. Paladin did have a late nite with his works gathering, and he had asked for blog grace, which was given. I believe he has another day of work lunch and dinners today as he has had most of the week. I am sorry that he will miss his fri eve with his friends, as its always a good thing for him to be able to kick back and enjoy time with them, and I know it helps him to relax.
It has been two weeks as of last nite since kajira robert arrived. Tings are going along quite splendidly with him. We are very happy to have him here with us. He has been quite amazing since his arrival. He has become the 'coffee fairy'.. making sure that there is fresh coffee for Me and My Knight every morning. On Sunday, he also became the 'bacon fairy' and My Knight and I awoke to that yummmy smell of bacon cooking. Turns out he cooked us a whole breakfast! It was very good and a nice surprise. Over all, either Myself or My Knight cook, and robert cleans that table, puts things away and does the dishes. He has been learning to be My sou chef as well (grin) as well as watching some Iron Chef and Good Eats with Me. Learning all sorts of cooking tricks.
He has also been busy working and sorting through things. We have gotten the garden all ship shape.. got his wireless internet working in his room, and many other wonderful accomplishments. We spent most of Sunday getting some flowers and pots and soil and redwood bark... we spent all of yesterday assembling them all. It was nice to have someone out there working with Me and he made it very easy by tending to all of My needs. It was 8:20 by the time we finished, and exhaustedly, we 3 went to a simple dinner s at the local Hoffbrau.
I also wanted to thank him for his help on Sunday..he was great in helping My friend to tear down all the games at the children's carnival she was part of for a local charity fund rasier that we went to.
It has been truly wonderful to have someone so energetic and delightful to spend company with. He is in someways shyer then Paladin, who is more what I would call 'private' then shy, and someways much bolder. They are both very different in their characters, but in some ways similar in their needs as submissives. Although they both serve Me, they do so in differing capacities. Together, they do a fantastic job and i know how blessed I am to have them both in My life, and My beloved Knight as well. He and robert get along quite well, and its nice to hear them out laughing in the yard together.
I have more to write, but that is deserving of its very own entry..
and so I go to write that now.
Best to all, in all ways,
Living Under the New Regime
1 month ago
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