Good day kind readers....
It's a very special day to Me.. and it is something that I know Paladin is very private about...
yet, I cannot but be very happy that this day is as special as it is to Me. I find it a day to celebrate, and am glad that this year, that which fell on a Sunday, falls on a Tue... our regularly scheduled day to meet.
This is the day that our world became graced with Paladin's presence.
Last year, he was taken to task for not telling Me when it was. But as I said, he is very private about it. Unlike Myself and most of My friends who greatly enjoy the day of the completion of another 'trip around the sun' for them, unto celebrating the entire month, or week (such as I generally like to do), Paladin would like his to pass quietly and without notice except I think for dinner with his family.
Soooo...tonight, we'll have a nice quiet dinner out at the place we were supposed to have gone for our anniversary tonight to celebrate both that, and Paladin's birthday. Because of My hurt back, we stayed home on Fri instead, and Paladin brought home extra tasty pizza to share with robert who had taken Me to Paladin's, and then stayed to tidy up a bit, and look after Me until Paladin got home. It was delightful to share dinner with My two wonderful slaves. They are both so different from each other, and yet, also alike in wanting to be pleasing and obedient to Me... and that its sometimes a challenge for each of them as well.
The weekend then, was extra low key, and I was glad that we hadn't planned a trip out of town since I spent the weekend on pillows and Paladin's gel pack heated up on My back, curled up watching HGTV with Paladin and then catching up on the Deadliest Catch and After the Catch shows that we both enjoy so much. Watching HGTV with Paladin is a interesting experience. Getting to know his tastes style wise... he is very very simply minded. And very predictable. Blacks, greys, and dark reds. No torquise accent pillow for him. His favorite color is black.. he says it goes with everything... except pink..and I get the feeling that he thinks pink doesn't even go with pink... at least not when it come to him and pink. I keep joking about getting him a pink 'power' tie like Donald Trump wears.... I get a very pained expression when I do. (chuckle) but it is very cute. Suffice it to say, Paladin is NOT a pink person.
Back to the weekend.... Paladin took excellent care of Me and while I did miss our dinner, I didn't miss climbing his 3 flights of stairs up and down. Paladin also gave Me the most special gift that he could, and I am both awed and touched by its sincerity and sweetness of thought. It was a takes your breath away moment and has brought Me much comfort and steadiness, whatever changes life may hold, I know that he is My rock, and all that he has promised to be, I know he does not say lightly. For Paladin is not one to give his heart and then waver. He would never give his word and not do everything in his control trying to fulfill it. I know this about him, and it is very grounding to know I can rely on him totally. I like to think of his visual, of him as huge, strong weeping willow tree, trunk big and steadying, its branches leaning down to protect and comfort Me.. and its roots deep and strong into a huge rock to which I can cling, no matter how the waves of life pummel Me.
We also had a nice long bath and indulged in some simple and non overexerting pleasures. It was a gentle and connecting weekend. There were times I was immensely frustrated in not being able to do some of the things I had planned, and I think I might have even smacked a pillow or two. Paladin simply smiled and indulged Me as best he could, while still not allowing Me to do anything that would strain My inflamed back.
Tonight I think will be much the same. A nice dinner, a long hot bath and cuddle time.
As for robert.. he has become the other rock. I am extremely grateful for all that he does for My Knight and I. He has been untiring and unwavering in his attentions and help. All of this would be so much as impossible without his help. He has become very popular with pretty much everyone. The work he has done here, I would never be able to repay. Once he realized that I was in quite severe back pain then he has been extremely attentive.
And another thanks to robert for spiffing up Paladin's apartment so well. He cleaned and vacuumed and dusted and generally tidied everything up. It was wonderful because that way, Paladin didn't have to worry about any of his regular chores that he would have done on Sunday. Instead, we lazed about his place, then came back to My home and swan and bbqed.. .and visited with My Knight, his lady friend, and robert. Paladin did an amazing job bbqing the meat (always put a staunch carnivore in charge of the meat!) and robert got the corn and salad's ready. All in all it was a wonderful time, and a good time was had by all! Lots of laughter and enjoyment and new connections made all around.
I have stayed home today because of My back.. couldn't spend all day at a desk typing. It's nice to have robert here. I really do enjoy his company and I like being able to chat with him in person now.. and its very sweet to have him to look after Me and My Knight when his knee is bad. Robert gives wonderful foot rubs and is not something he seems to tire of.
Well, that's about it for now. Resting up and being tender with My back to enjoy this evening the most and be able to work tomorrow.
Best to all.. and thank you to everyone for their kind thoughts ,
Living Under the New Regime
1 month ago
1 comment:
Thank-You very much for Your kind words.
Make me blush.
And want to do more.
It has been a joy now for more than three weeks 24/7.
A self discovery You have made happen Mystress. I intend not to let You down.
It is I that owe You MYstress. Respectfully, YOUR pet, Robert
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