Kudos to Mystress...and to muse in her comments too. It is very attractive and something one can be very proud in to stick to ones guns and to not falter on your views. What i am talking about is both your opinions that since your pets belong to you, you will do with them as you wish, as you define things to go and not to just do what others think should be the normal means of protocol.
We each want something different from our relationships...and why should we have to adopt all that is the "norm" with the relationship when we do not want it all...why can't we tailor them to what we want...negating what we don't? Where is it written in stone that if we want this lifestyle...we have to follow the 1000 rules written in stone without altering them...I think no where.
Please do not take this as an attack on the established lifestyles...it truly is not...its just an opinion and one seemed to be shared by a few others. We all get to define how we will interact, the protocols and methods of behavior...and because we will be the principle parties involved, they are customized to our tastes. Its just a personal perference...and one that need not be judged as wrong or inappropriate for it is not the "normal" way to do things or the expected way...its just different.
So kudos to my Mystress again for sticking to her guns...Mystress has defined her own rules and standards and these are what she thinks to be important...and if they differ fromthe "norm" then so be it...very proud of my Mystress for sticking to her guns.
Love Paladin
Living Under the New Regime
1 month ago
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