Greetings Friends...
We are indeed back from our trip. And it was.. wonderful. The whole thing. From the early morning trip to the airport.. to running for the right gate in Denver... to my last post with the great state waffle, to the house hunting project. Which did go well!
Our fave house was by far the best that we saw. As I said in a fetlife post...some of the houses were like internet dates gone awry. The nice clean houses in the pics... were not necessarily so in person. The biggest that we had on our list, at 4,500 sq. ft. for like $189,000 was a total disaster. A bunch of really messy folks must have lived there as the walls and floor were badly stained and it would have taken a whole house makeover to make it right. There was a large pack of kids running around so there was evidence as to the culprits of some of it. And at that size... that's wayyyy to big of a project for us! There is indeed such a thing as too much house. At least for us.
So, after 19 houses.. we bid on our fave. The inspection report done in either July or Nov (it had two dates on it, so kinda hard to tell) had some big ticket items that would be needing repair in the next couple of years. So we bid at $9,400 less then the asking price, and they countered at about $7,000 under, so we accepted that. A better price then we hoped for. Now, we wait for the new house inspection that will be done on Mon. We are in the 10 day 'option' window since Wed. They are not living in the house and want it to close as fast as possible.. much like we do. We have some work to do here at Paladin's in the meantime, and will be working on that till time to go.
Which brings me to; I need to be out of my current place and have it as well cleaned as possible by the end of the month. So I have been bringing more things here, and on Sunday, before the Superbowl, we'll move the rest of my boxes, and the critters and settle in till moving time to Tx. That will give me a chance to go back and work on cleaning the hopefully soon to be empty place. My ex and his sub are staying there while she has some plumbing done and he has stuff he will need to get moved. He did get some done while Paladin and I were away, big pieces of furniture that his brother came and got. The rest, is not my problem, thank goodness! And his sub did come help me pack some yesterday, as she packed his things. Then I got to come have dinner and spend the nite here at Paladin's, as I suppose I will be doing from now on. It was.. a bit odd to be here on a Thur nite, but it is the beginning of our 24/7 life, and it is nice to feel him nearby so often now.
I have to admit.... I am happier then I have been in years and years, and it all lays at Paladin's remarkable feet. Every problem I seem to have, he finds a solution for. Within that happiness, are some dark shadows of my own that pass by from time to time and cause me sorrow. But Paladin is fast to shed light on them, and help me to think clearer about things.
Much of that is not being able to work now. This is my 4th week since I had to quite my job after my last 'client' started poking me and barking and growling in my face. Nope.... just couldn't handle that at this time with all the other stuff coming out, and the Vet Center doc said that I needed to quit that job, as it was making me much worse and not beneficial to my getting well, and she had me quote her in regards to that in my disability statement.
But..having NO income of my own is making me a bit crazy. I have never, ever lived off of others. Now... my VA disability claim was made 2 weeks ago today.. so they have 2 more in which to make a decision, as they are supposed to make it within 30 days of sending them all the statements of support, my Vet Center Doc's statement and my own statement about the whole gosh awful mess. Everyone feels I'll get a good percentage, and I'll get back pay to the beginning of Jan 2012... so that's one month past already at the least. But still.... for me.. this is one of the hardest things I've done. And sometimes.. I do feel so overwhelmed and useless that I just can't help breaking down sobbing. But.. dear dear Paladin is always just a txt away to comfort me, and remind me of how hard I've always worked, and looked after so many others. So why is it so hard for me to accept this support from him??? He is the only person I know who is making good money... getting good raises and bonus's. And he wants to take care of me. I hope time will make it all easier.. and I deeply hope I do get some form of disability so that I can help contribute to our new shared home.
Before our trip, my dear friend devyn had set me up with fet life so that I could meet some folks locally and make some new friends there in TX. . (if anyone wants to look us up there, I am MystressSwan) And it has been really, really enjoyable! I found some great groups to join, wrote a few folks local to our new area, who have responded very warmly and kindly. One of them is also in Second Life, so we've had a chance to meet there and chat. We met up with her and her husband for BBQ on Sunday and they were sooooo charming and fun! It really does feel like we have friends where we are moving to now. And they gave us some GREAT hints and pointers about living there. Such as which place to NOT get our power though, as well as some tips for other restaurants. And the husband was sure to tell us that the summers there are straight from hell sometimes. She said they stayed in the house the entire summer last year. Yikes! Well, we are getting a house with a pool, which was mandatory in both our minds. Everyone we met there in TX was just great. Warm and friendly.. and no attitudes at all. I felt right at home. Almost more then I do here in CA. Now, we are both anxious to begin our lives there.
Well... so that's it for now. Paladin's been too busy to do a post or reply to comments, but he will this Sunday, if things go fast and smoothly in the moving.
Wishing all our friends out there the best!
Living Under the New Regime
1 month ago
Wonderful news! Congratulations. Now I just wish you all the very best luck as this stage of the move commences -- may it all go smoothly, and may you find yourselves at home in Texas in no time at all.
Thank you so much Sue!!
Your encouragement and support as we embark on this slightly scary adventure of both moving to a whole new place, and becoming 24/7 together is much appreciated. Now we get all the paperwork and packing done..and see what happens next.
Warm hugs,
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