Greetings Friends,
Sooo.. what kind of person, knows that they are courting a wounded submissive soul and decides to lie and trash that hurt sub? One abused and taken advantage of in horrid ways, one kidnapped and raped.... What kind of person convinces that sub, and their online Owner.. that he wants to help heal the wounded one and then, does the opposite?
He had met her a couple of times at local munch knew she was a bit heavy, but still did his best to promise her everything but the moon. Knows this person isn't a one nite (or day) kind of person. She never, ever would have considered being intimate with anyone other then a long term relationship.
And... yes.. knowing all that.. promising all that... after she finally, finally takes a chance and gives herself to him inimately...then the next morning in response to her 'had a wonderful time, never knew it could be that way' note... dumps her with the words 'Yes, you are desirable, it was nice, folks in the community will like you, thanks for a good time. Will be glad to be friends"
End of message.
It could have just been a short message.. and we hoped it was.. but she knew.. that she'd been dumped. Step in me.. one of her protectors.. to query the individual as to the reality of the situation.. after his having been involved with her as a 'team player' for the past few weeks. And his response, is a lie. Bald faced lie. He says he never said anything about ongoing.. that he never said he wanted long term.. said he never offered her that. All a lie, by his own written words in the time before this disaster. My very polite reply asking him to be kind to her and disputing his claims of no promises of anything in the future included these quotes from himself:
I do not have the authority to scold you small one. You are not yet mine, but I hope over time you come to trust me and that you will become mine...heart, body and soul. The pleasures I want to show you. The respect I give to my sub/slave is something I want to share with you."
and speaking of her Master..
"Then he is a very smart man and perhaps together, we will work to build your esteem and confidence. Even if I became your Master, I would expect you to continue your relationship with him. To have you kneel at my feet, would be a gift greater than anything else I could think of. But I have not earned that rite yet. I hope to in the future. I hope to be what you need and fulfill all your needs as I have done for and with.... " (His wife and sub whose name I removed)
Soo... what's the opinion out there? If this guy was courting you as a sub, or you were her Owner and read this, what would YOU think? Does it sound like long term to you, or no promise of anything future??? Would you think this was a one time thing?
His next reply... to defriend and block all involved on Fet Life. Bamm. Just like that. What happened to being friends buddy????
I can't wrap my brain around of this sort of behavior. I am as hurt as my friend. And furious. Why pick on someone.. who it took all their courage just to step out their door and go to something social? Why lure her Master in the way he did... promising to take good care of his little one? The dear kind Master.. thousands of miles away from his online slave, wanting her to find real life happiness. And to have someone.. betray the two of them in such a brutal way. He was married.. and his wife was also involved.. supposed to be the loving sub who would support and help the hurt sub. But friend was thrown aside, while he tried to deny his words. But.. that is one thing about the typed and sent word... you can't take it back. Even those gosh awful ones you wish you could. So.. he was caught with his own words in a lie. He said things to her in moments of intimacy that left her floating in happiness afterwards. But... he destroyed all that.
Why? Can anyone out there.. explain this sort of behavior?
It's not that I've not had my own share of those sorts of experiences in the past.. most of us ladies have at one time or another. But.. to KNOW... to go into this KNOWING... that the person your interacting with has been badly hurt.. to write that you want to help her with this and that you are saying you want long term and to help her heal... to HEAL... and then.. they do this??? And this person heads their fet life page saying they are a man of HONOR???? HONOR????? To hurt and betray a vulnerable sub this way??? *sighs*
May the fleas of 1000 camels infest his privates...
*rant ended*
All the best to everyone else..
p.s It turns out in Fet Life.. .you can take it back if you block the person. But... if you've already done a copy and paste of the exchange somewhere else.... well then.. you Do have a copy of it.. much like I did, so that after he blocked me... I still had it all. o.0
Living Under the New Regime
1 month ago
i've been reading your blog a while now and quite enjoy it.i am glad you and paladin get to be together now. have hoped you would be for a while.
i appreciate this post and how much you seen to care for this sub. As a sub im a sad and hurt that no one had commented on this post. i would have thought that some other Owner's would express something here along like what you said. It makes me sad as a sub that one else stands up with you on this.
As a sub.. i would have fallen for that. i want someone to have to Own me so bad.. and i have fallen for the wrong words before too.
i hope this sub knows none of this was her fault, and that there are cruel and thoughtless sorts out there.
i wish her the best and would give her a hug if i could. Tell her i have been hurt like that too. Best to get up and try again and not let them win!
It pained me to hear this as a sub, and i totally understand my Mystress stepping in. She is so caring and this drives her to wonderful things. Thank you Mystress for sticking upfor us subs.
It's Al, Myst.
I think I know what we're dealing with.
"Psychopath" has a bad name. All psychos are not serial sadistic killers. What it means is that they have no conscious, no empathy, no care or concern or feeling for any other person on the planet. Not wife, parent, "best friend", ... No one but themselves.
I believe that most if not all of them can beat lie detectors. They have no conscious, no sense of good or evil. Since lie detectors pick up changes in the body triggered by feelings of guilt they should beat them every time. For much the same reason they lie most convincingly. Don't get into litigation with a psycho; judges and juries will believe his lies over your truth. He won't look concerned or afraid or nervous, which is interpreted as someone speaking the truth. If you are the slightest bit nervous (who wouldn't be nervous in a court of law, with much at stake?)you will appear to them to be lying.
Psychopaths need not be evil. But they will be ss ruthless as they feel they can get away with in order to gain what they want. A very recent study showed a great majority of top corporate leaders are psychos. That makes sense. They don't hesitate to do what it takes to get ahead as long as they think they won't be caught.
I believe our boy is a psycho.
Like all of them he won't hesitate to lie. After all he is so believeable that he always gets away with it. He just assumeed he would this time too.
But the one thing about lying is that it is difficult to keep your story consistant over time. Memories for facts are not bad; memories of everything we've said on a subject are not good.
Also, one thing that he didn't take into account is there is no body language visible in a text chat. We don't see the false clues he gives off that inspire believeability.
All psychos are not clever. Our boy is either stupid or has a very bad memory. Maybe both. Maybe he assumed that blocking will remove all record of what was said. Unfortunately for him that is not necessarily so, as you have so wondefully demonstrated.
Our boy saw an opportunity. In fact I think he regularly scans for "fresh meat". He was very quick to notice, and latch onto, my girl. As he learned more about her his reaction was not at all what we would expect as normal. Anything that would inspire care or concern in normals only register in psychos as a weakness that can be exploited to gain his ends.
"Sooo.. what kind of person, knows that they are courting a wounded submissive soul and decides to lie and trash that hurt sub?" A psychopath fits the bill quite nicely. :-(
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