Sunday, March 29, 2009

Second Life

Greetings dear readers,

In My post last time I mentioned Second Life, ( and so does Paladin in his.  Above are a few pics of My property there.

 For those that have not been there, it is quite an amazing place. It has allowed for wonderful flexibility and creativity for all of us.  It has certainly enhanced the 'online' experience and given a much higher level of access and creativity for sure.  It is a free 3d environment that can truly bend space and time. 

Today, robert and I worked on building an meditation place.  I learned to build a simple floor and put whatever texture on it.  And I turned a red tent into a crystal one. *grin*  It was lots of fun to shop with robert for the textures and the come back and apply them to what I built.

Something else about Second Life, is that it lets you express different sides of one's self, and to find other's to share that with.  *smiles* and that too is of great joy. 

 The meeting of friends in Second Life has turned out to be of quite a lot of extra enjoyment.  I have only met Lady Muse and Her delightful family there so far from those in the blog world.  It has been a very... educational experience and I've enjoyed it immensely.  Such a great place to spend time and share new experiences.  Some of them very intense. 

One really can do anything there.. fly, swim, ballroom dance, joust, and there is any place in the world (and out of it to see kajira's astral pyramid, with all the cosmos floating around inside of it).   I've travelled in Egyption tombs and museums, and Star Trek exhibits, ridden a centaur with blue hair and lovely breasts *grin* played in fairy gardens and wandered some places that made Me glad it was only cyber. But of course.. I wouldn't have been there if it wasn't. I had a drunk chick run her car into My house (some things are the same in rl or sl it seems) although in this case, My house was deep underwater.  So.. it was indeed odd to watch that happen. She was  nice enough, so she came in and had a sit and we chatted for a bit.   

I have made some very nice friends there too.  Of course there is the side that you really have no idea who it is you are talking to.  Back when I was looking for an online girl sub, I spent a day with a fairly nice subby girl. At the end of the day (after I'd even bought her a couple of sets of 'silks') she decides to let Me know that not only  is she submissive, she isn't a she either. 'She' is a Master just playing at being sub to 'mess' with another 'Dom's' head.  Humph... it seems folks are rude in both places.  But... I didn't let that experience stop Me. And luckily.. now I have dear little nuri.

It does lead Me to wonder, if any of our other blog friends out there have Second Life avatars.  If you do, well, drop Me a line and I'll let you know My avatar name there! Any comments or questions that guests have about it would be fun to read and answer as well.

Wishing best to all,


Nuri said...

What little building I have done has been fun. I have been thinking lately that it was time to finally try a little more seriously to learn a useful level of building skills, and more importantly, scripting. I know there are regular series of classes on these subjects through the week. I wonder if I can get into some of them...

I an curious to see your crystal meditation tent when I log in tonight Mystress. See you then.

arnaut rosseau said...

I'm thinking about it at the moment. This is totally free?

Mystress said...

Hello there arnaut,

Yes, it is totally free. You get a basic avatar, there's tons for sale if you want them. And also lots of freebie. You only pay if you want to own land, which is something you don't need to do, but it is fun.

You do need a fairly decent computer able to run graphics smoothly, or your experience can be jerky. Some places have more lag then other there. It is free and it is fun.

To nuri,
Hope you are feeling better girl. Perhaps we can take a class together if you find something. Let Me know...

any more questions?

Paladin said...

SL has sure been a hit with my Mystress...she loves to putter around in SL and to explore...part of the appeal of such a vast world.