Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Help! Lost our blog roll!!!

Hello all...

So..... here I am. adding in Thina's new blog to the list.. and then I decide.. well. while I'm at it, I know some of the blogs were now dead, and other's have become private. I'd been putting of trimming off those that have changed and so figured now will be the time do to it. It's that whole spring is here, time to clean things up.

Clickity, clickity click....

I'm on the third one.. I go to it, it's gone private.. okay.. readers will only get frustrated if they get that, just like I do sometimes.. so delete.. and then, on to the next one... the next one.. oh my gosh.. THEY ARE ALL GONE!! I try to back up. gone. All gone... Doah.. I hit the wrong delete button. Now I have to try and recreate it.

I do have a few bookmarked.. and well.. you all know how that goes.. you come across a good blog, or someone tells you and you add it to your blog roll, and you ( or at least I) forget to add it as a bookmark... and of course that's the great side benefit of a blog like this, its a list of good reading. Until you do something silly like I did and hit the wrong darn button. *sigh*

So, this is a plea, to those of you who knew you were on our blog roll, if you don't see yourselves there, please, please send me an email to swanmyst@gmail.com. And if you read us and have a blog, please do the same.

Ah well.. and so it goes... but at least now, I've got some re-added.

So.. on ward and upward.. Thanks in advance for the help!

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