Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year and New Changes

Good Evening all.
I sit here with my Mystress beside me, which shall become the oh so sweet norm in the future. As the new year begins so begins our changes. Mystress and i are soon to be a 24/7 thing and thats the best change this year promises indeed.To get this change accomplished Mystress and I have many things we have to knock off our lists. Some are huge and complicated with others much more simplistic. All in all, as we get them finished and scratched off the list, the inevitable change to a permanent situation shall occur. Once this is done we will be setup in a new city many many miles away, foreigners in a new land, ready to explore all it has to offer together. Oh the adventures we have planned.A special thank you to all for giving us the support you have all given. We shall surely rely on it to make this transition as easy as we can. Once in our new home, we shall also lean on it to provide us with at least one familiar thing in a land of new things. Thank you all again from the deepest of our hearts.
With all my love for Mystress.


Donna said...
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Donna said...

This sounds very exciting, and with a positive attitude, a good sense of humor and the person you love beside you, all things are possible!


Mystress said...

Thank you kindly Donna.. things are going even smoother then planned so far. This. has been the first weekend with things switched up so to speak, and to be fully immersed with Paladin to the degree we are now.. has been .. the happiest days I may ever have had. Happy Smiles and warm wishes to all!

Sue said...

Thinking of you as you begin this new adventure... All the very best.


Mystress said...

Dear swan.. thank you too for the sweet comments and support. As Paladin says, our virtual friends will be our 'constant' as we go to new city and lands alone.