Mystress is having a visit today at the cabin from her dear friend. I can just picture them sitting on the couch ... pondering how to entertain themselves. :) Would be interesting to be a fly on the wall :) Don't worry Robert...Mystress will look after you :)
To Mystress and enjoy your time at the cabin...i am sure you guys will have a blast. To Robert...enjoy being on hand for both the ladies and make sure Mystress is resting and gets well rested.
1 week ago
Thank-You for Your words of encouragement. We had a wonderful time and Mystress's company and of Her friend were delightful. They are both charming in thier own right and together are a powerhouse of enchantment, enlightenment and energy.
I also give thanks to Mystress's friend for his gracious generousity and hospitality in allowing us to stay at his cabin also.
I'll call him "Pan-Am" for his humorous stories of travel adventures he shared with Mystress and I.
I had a wonderful time thanks to Mystress's guidance and patience.
Mystress has a unique connection with nature and we made new friends with an energetic porch tree. :)
I thank Mystress very very much for my new restraints also. They add a hefty zing to things. Sub-things. They arrived wednesday just in time to make the journey around my ankles and wrists. I have pretty much had them on now since then. Five days except for showers.
Mystress has been very generous to Her humble servant in both patience and detail. All the way down to having the holes in the straps of the buckles fitted with chrome eyelets. Thank-You again Mystress. Very specail She is to both of us brother.
Mystress has also allowed me to except Lady "C"'s offer to do some volunteer work for Her community projects. I am excited to be working for, er, with Lady C to say the least. :)
Hope to see You soon again Paladin.
Enjoy, Robert.
Evening Robert
Sounds like you all had a blast which is great to hear. The cabin truly is a wonderful place to retire too...the energy is quite soothing and comforting.
I am glad you enjoy your restraints and the more you wear them the better they feel. I wear them almost constantly now and the are so very assuring. I hope you find them as soothing and part of yourself as I.
I am also glad you can now use your great energy to help Lady C. I am sure you will do a bang up job on her projects just like you do for all Mystress's projects.
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