
After our weekend, I am back...
It's always wonderful to be able to do another joyful posting. (smile) It was a long wonderful weekend and and to recount it is going to take a couple entries.
The weekend of Paladin's obedience began on Fri nite in My mind. Going over to My Lady's for a visit. I had sent him a text telling him the he was quite likely to get some odd texts over the course of the evening.
It had come out over dinner on Tue that I'd never had a drink called a Long Island Ice Tea before, and both pet and My Lady were telling Me that they are tasty and innocuous sounding. Pet said that they can 'really knock you on your ass!'. Since I was going to visit My Lady, twas decided that we'd have one over dinner. So, after I got there, I was educated on the fine art of the making of one. And yes.. they are tasty and dangerous (as they had both told Me) because they have soooo much kick to them. Well, we had more then one. But not more then 3. And nooo, I wasn't going anywhere for a while either.
During the course of the evening we sent pet a text with the request of an erotic pic from him for us. Knowing that he was off at a friends, I was flat out amazed that within in a record 4 minutes, he had sent a very nice pic of his partially clad his backside.
This was muchly appreciated by us. A while later, another request was sent to him for a picture of a more - intimate nature. Again, within moments he had send a very, very nice pic for us, which was again, greatly appreciated. All evening we shared such a wonderful text exchange, that it was very much like our dear pet what right there with My Lady and I. We had a lovely dinner wonderful evening of lady chit chat. My Lady was very impressed with pet's attentiveness to us even when out and about. And I was very proud of his exemplary behavior as well. His good nature and sense of humor greatly enhanced our evening.
The next day, Sat, pet arrived here with a smile and gifts. He was dressed in My required colors of black and grey. His only blip was that I expected him to be dressed in his black jeans I had gotten him which I consider his true uniform. If If he is dressed, I like them best of anything on him.... I did not hold this to a protocol to punish him for this time, but he knows My preference henceforth. His black 501's and any grey shirt of his choice, although I like the soft grey one I got him to wear the first day in Monterey is also My favorite when not his dress grey shirt.
I gave him a new protocal, and told him I would henceforth be enforcing one I had set a long time back, but had not prompted him on nor training him to do it.
The first, is something that Devestaingly wrote about on her blog last week, and that is having her submissive kneel when she has him bring something. I explained this to pet, and he said that he liked that idea quite a bit.
The other thing was for Paladin to give Me his sign of fealty whenever I enter a room. He understood that too.
He did make a 'faux paux' and one that was to cost him dearly latter, was when I asked him how horny he was his answer is "Slightly". Hmmmm.. 'Slightly'????!! Weeeeell then.. we'll just have to see about ramping it up 'some' later shall we pet ??? Mark My words dear readers, pet would come to regret this answer as the weekend progressed. We had a short conversation about this, and I think he begin to have an inkling that perhaps that was not quite the best response. (wicked grin).
After a simple lunch, I took pet off with Me to the local flea market. I had something very specific in mind for his Christmas present and I wanted him to pick it out. I had a list of several things to get. Paladin was truly a virtue of service. He was always within reach of Me, eager to take and hold any packages that I acquired. He was patient and gallant as we went from stall to stall. The best part for Me however, was leading Paladin to the stall that sold the gift I wanted him to pick out. It was highly symbolic.
When we had been in Montery together, in a shop, he had told Me how he had always wanted to have a collection of swords mounted on his wall. Interestingly enough, that was AFTER I had made him the sterling silver sword necklace that is his everyday collar. So.. I had endeavored to get a very special sword for pet for Christmas and I must say, watching him look at the different swords displayed was like going back in time somehow. I loved the one he picked out and it was a style we had looked on online when we first talked about the swords. It looks very much like the sword he wears on his neck.
After that was acquired, we wandered through the rest of the flea market looking at thing and enjoying each others company. It was delightful to glance at him beside Me from time to time, carrying the beautiful sword that he had picked and it brought the image of him as My Paladin into full focus. It is indeed a very special sword that suits him to a 'T'.
After we had gotten everything from there that was meant to be gotten it was time for the next part of our shopping excursion - the adult toy store.
Pet had never been in one. Pet described himself best this weekend as a VERY proper person. The store I was taking him to is a very nice almost boutique sort of store. While neither of us are personally into humiliation, I am fine with a bit of mild embarrassment and discomfort for pet at some new things that stretch some of pet's limits and past boundaries. I do rather like to see him wiggling inside where no one else can. Taking him to this was along those lines. He always says that part of this journey for him is to be forced to step outside his normal modes of control and gve it up to someone he trusts; namely, Me. And.. I take this responsibility very seriously too.
As pet commented in the past, we had looked at a variety of toys online together, chatting back and forth between us about them. I remember well Myne own discomfort then Master took Me in to this same store have to pick out a special toy for last Valentines Day. I know I was blushing furiously as Master made Me look at many of them, and take hold some truly outrageous ones. And.. I did have to pick out something and carry it to the counter where He stood smiling while the batteries were tested and such. So I well know that going into such a store with ones Dom hold all sorts of possibilities for embarrassment. After a look at some of the tamer novelties in such a place, we stepped into the adult toy area (which of course is separated from the other parts of the store.) We took some time looking at all of the different possibilities.
I had two specific things in mind to purchase but I had pet look at many different things. I had him pick one thing we had discussed in the past from one of displays after some standing and looking through them.
I did not give My opinion to him as I wanted to see which item he would pick out. He ended up choosing one of the same one's that I would have picked it I had been doing it Myself. Pet's demeanor was as attentive to Me as ever, but it was obvious that he was in high proper mode. His body language spoke volumes to Me, and his energy was a ridged but it was obvious he was doing his very best to carry himself as He knew I desired him to. He was respectful and I did not feel his walls standing between us like they would have in the past. I could feel him doing his very best to cope in this highly charged and uncomfortable situation. But pet was not only coping, he was excelling! I was very proud to be there with him.
We went to another wall of a different sort of toy. This was much more challenging one for pet. I told him to pick one and take it down. He was having a difficult time with this, so I instructed him as to which one. I had him take it down for a moment, and we discussed it and compared it. He did so obediently. I knew this was a challenge. He wanted - needed to be directed. When I asked him if he had a preference he stated that they were all really the same. After pointing out a definite difference, he agreed that they really were not. He stood, staring at the options and I could feel that if forced, he would choose one, but that this one one of those times when it's good for a Dom to show their sub a bit of mercy. So, I asked pet if he would like Me to pick out this particular item, and he nodded and answered "Yes Mistress"
So... I did. I (of course) knew exactly which one I wanted and picked it out quickly. Pet had been magnificent all day and there was still much to come, and I wanted him to know that I was a loving and compassionate Mystress,
He was very grateful, it was evident in his relieved smile. I mentioned not having seen something I had been looking for, and he immediately led Me to the display of where that item was located. I was ..... well.. . a bit surprised that he had already noted them, but not totally as he knew that was also something I had been looking for. We looked at the different options there as well, but I did not see something of the sort that I was most specifically looking for.
We took our choices up to the front and pet stood off to the side looking at some books while the clerk checked the workings of one of the purchases and then we were ready to leave.
I had pet put them in the guest room after we returned.
Next, it was time to have Paladin help Me trim the tree. It was very novel to be sitting on the floor sorting through the ornaments and handing them to pet to put on it for Me. We have a 4 month old kitten, so many of the decorations that I would normally use will have to stay tucked away this year. It was fun to show them to pet however and hear his evaluations of how much kitten would enjoy that shredding or batting that particular decoration and back into the box it would go. Pet was excellent about his placement of the decoration's and My lovely tree is a testament to his fyne decorating skills.
The pic at the top of this is Paladin giving Me his sign of fealty in front of My freshly decorated Christmas tree. Truly sorry we can't show you more of it.
Next would be dinner.. and our evening.
- to be continued -
Best to all,