Good evening all.
How are all our wonderful guests this nice warm summer eve? We hope all are doing well and life is treating all well.
Mystress has had a busy 4 days visting with friends from out of the country and doing the tour guide thing. She sounds like she is having a truly wonderful time which is so so wonderful to hear. It please me to such levels to know Mystress is having such a wonderful time.
So on Monday Mystress gave me an assigment for the week i had to do and report my findings tonight. Mystress want me to monitor for the week which of my testicles hanged lower than the other and to note whether or not it changes. Well Mystress, i can report that the left is lower than the right and no, it doesnt change. Another observation is that it also hangs from left to right. I hope this information Mystress finds usefull and amusing :)
I eagerly wait to see my Mystress tomorrow. It will be great to hear of all her adventures of the last four days. Looking forward to it much.
With much love for Mystress
Living Under the New Regime
5 weeks ago