My Mystress asked me to make a post about being proper. What being porpoer means in a often not saying whats on ones mind directly how its on ones mind. Confused yet? Lets see if i can explain it some.
I can relate to all that when one gets into the moment and passions flare...its often a feral and animalistic response to blurt out whats on ones matter how curt or to the point the image and words may be...its just about being caught up in the moment...and even though i may do it on occasion...its still somewhat censored...why?
Well it is because my Mystress is a Lady...and being my Lady...i feel obligated to be as proper as i can for my Mystress. I know my Mystress responds much more positively to sudtle hints and innuendos...and if need requests...but the requests are made with language one would not call borderline crude. I won't go into graphics examples...i am sure we can all come up with some very imaginative and descriptive wants and desires...but its the ability to deliver this want and my a manner thats very proper. No i don't use medical terms :) but i choose to rather use romantic and sensual language rather than to the point and direct language...its just how my Mystress responds...and it takes time to learn what to say and when to say it.
I'd love to hear from our guests how they deliver wants or desires to their masters/mistress's. I definitely believe their is a time and place for both...its just learning when to use each....for me...its safer to be proper than to the point.
1 week ago
...thank you, Paladin
For your comments on being proper. Sometimes I have to be reminded, soft smile. To me being proper is all the things you've stated and much more. Like the way it's said, the tone it's said in and the respect that is inflected in the voice. The mannerisms are also important.
I look forward to seeing you and Mystress this weekend and hope You both have a great evening
Welcome Devyn.
Your words definitely added to the definition of proper. For each of us it has a unique meaning but overall the mindset tends to be the same...that of respect.
Looking forward to the weekend too.
I also extend My welcome to you, thank you for the insightful comment.
Your make excellent points in your comments. All of the things that both you and Paladin make up part of 'being proper'. Paladin accurately states how it is that I expect to be addressed and treated by a submissive. I do truly like to be treated like a Lady, and while we do have extraordinarily passionate interactions and even somewhat more racy conversations in the spur of the moment at the right time... but not just 'out of the blue' and overly blunt and rarely crude.
We both look forward to visiting with you this weekend too! Paladin will see what he can do to work on the computer problem that you mentioned. We're looking forward to being at the the energy workshop and the party afterwards as well.
Hugs and smiles to you little one...
Paladin - Your write up regarding "Being Proper" is most helpful. Without knowing general good behavior and the specific hot buttons or land mines of any individual will likely end in trouble one way or the other.
i appreciate your knowledge in this area and will heed your comments. It is the last thing in the world that i care to do is offend a persons sensibilities. It is nice to have the good manners and graces to walk a road that will not offend generally. i am reminded of Ricardo Montalban as a gentleman always.
Sometimes we have to learn from our mistakes and move forward from there endeavoring to not do what ever word, act or omission that proved offensive.
Once again, thank you for your well written words.
Welcome to the blog Stephen and thank you for your comment. I am glad my words even if brief can be of some guidance.
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