Err... make that curled toes! And that.. is EXACTLY what Paladin gave to Me last nite. Wowww.. Truly mind blowing intimacy. The man... is good.. and getting better all the time! Looked at him afterwards and and said that he was the prime example of the perfect Pleasure Slave... and that.. he is! And that is what he wanted most to be.. so we are both in excellent shape and exceedingly happy. I think he actually blushed a wee bit this morning when I told him he could make a fortune as a gigolo. But.. it's not his style.. and besides that.. he's all MYNE, MYNE, MYNE, MYNE! How yummmmy!
During the evening we had a bit of a discussion about what he does and doesn't want or need to know when we spend time together. He says the he has no desire to ever know what it is I have in mind, or have planned. And in his case.. again.. because he is sooo in control of everything in his life, having Me control our meetings and our time together so he has no idea what to expect is exactly what he needs from Me.. and I dearly love giving it to him.
It was a show stopping evening.. and Paladin was in top form. Took Me quite a while to recover from it. I want to say a thank you to him for looking after Me so well after our bath.. I got a bit overheated.. and dizzy. Paladin very carefully held M up while drying Me off.. then sent Me off to bed.. where he cooled Me with ice.. and then plied Me with ice cream.. He was soo sweet and caring.. exactly how he is all the time to Me. But.. I deeply appreciated his looking after Me so well. After I recovered.. we had another amazingly wonderful time together. He's getting that cumming on the count of 10 down very very well.. just like little Persephone. (smile) And he can do it over and over again.. My My.. this hypnosis thing IS pretty darn great!
This morning I did not require pleasure of him however as I'll be getting LOTS of it over the weekend. And I am looking forward to that. We've not had time here since New Years.
This is just a short post before our weekend begins. I have some shopping to do and some more tydying up to do before Paladin's arrival for the weekend in a few hours. We are having dinner as a triad with friends who have met both My Knight and My Paladin.. and enjoy them both. So that will be quite an interesting evening.. and then tomorrow.. Paladin is going to help a friend of Myne to help fix her computer... and then off to the D/s energy workshop, dinner and 'play party'. We'll see exactly what that consists of and what we decide to do as Paladin and I are both very private people.
Neither of us will be posting till after the weekend is over I think.. So I hope everyone has a grand weekend for themselves out there!
Wishing as always, the best to all our readers out there,
1 week ago