Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Missed bits and pieces from the Weekend

Sunday morning we got up before My Knight did, I made coffee and took him some while he was still waking up. Since this was pretty much going to be our Christmas together since pet would be busy with family, and I'd already gotten him his present it seemed appropriate to open the gift that pet had brought Me. It was sweet to be sitting by the tree with him. In a small box was a beautiful silver horse. Looking at it, I asked pet what was the symbolism of it. And he promptly replied that it was a stallion and represented him and that it could go on the beautiful silver bracelet with the silver heart that he'd given Me when we'd first exchanged bracelets and claimed each other. I gave him My jewelry pliers and within moments, pet had the lovely silver stallion now dangling a few links from his heart. He said that we would find other charms to match landmark aspects of our relationship. I just want to say how wonderfully thoughtful that is of him!!! I was very, very touched by the thoughtfulness of his gift, for it was certainly something special that he had in mind and went out of his way to find. These aspects of My wonderful Paladin are very heartwarming to Me.

We have our own unique relationship and ways of relating to each other. But his warmth and thoughtfulness are reassurances that we are making our way and making each other and those around us happy as well.

As were were finishing our first cup of coffee My Knight finally arose to join us. As we chatted with each other, I told pet to recount to My Knight what he had said when I'd asked him how horny he was the previous day. Paladin smiled, looked up at My Knight who was sitting on the couch and told him "I said her I was 'slightly' horny.

My Knight laughed and said something to the effect that even though he was vanilla in regards to the D/s aspects, that he knew that saying something like 'slightly' to Me was surely not a good thing. S0 I then asked pet how horny he had been after I had been teasing him for all those hours, to which he replied "stark raving horny". My Knight laughed again and said 'yes, I bet you were!"

This interplay between the three of us is a wonderful aspect of our poly oriented relationship as well. Both of the men are straight sexually and get along very well with each other and enjoy each other's company. My Knight has been very pleased with the way pet and My relationship has been evolving. It makes him very happy to see Me so happy. And it gives him the space he needs for himself as well. It was he who suggested that I add another nite to seeing pet, and one that pet has taken to as well. This works well especially for those weeks when we can only see each other one day for one reason or another. I think it gives us more flexibility.

One of the things My Knight would like, is more time to visit with pet. He likes him very much as I said, but this was a busy weekend for him as well, so he was not able to be around us as much as he would have liked. One reason we did go off to pets (besides his needing to do chores and us catch up on the missed Survivor) was that My Knight was going to be out himself, so it wasn't like we were missing time with him by being at My place. But, I do hope for a slower and more relaxed weekend with the 3 of us at My place soon. The movie ended so late that we just went to bed and missed out on the wonderful jacuzzi as well. So I hope to please My Knight by rectifying this after the holidays.

The hour is late yet again,
so best to all,

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