Greetings Friends and Readers... at least those that haven't given up on us. We are still out here! I am amazed to think it has been over a year since I last posted. My heartfelt apologies.. wow. Guess 'real' life has taken over.
We did get married on July 30, 2016! It was a very small family wedding. Pet's parents and brother and sig other, and our House of Swan Family.. well, part of them. It was 20 all together. At our home.. with catered BBQ. The peach cobbler was fantastic. As was our tasty cake, red velvet with raspberry filling and fudge frosting. OH me gosh! And pet looked so very handsome.. It was 9 years and 3 days after I had collared him that we wed.
Things with us are better then every. We went through the process of getting a loan to get our house built on our 8.36 acres, where we can literally swing from the trees! They just started building this past Mon, and on Fri we go up to see progress and plan for the well and septic, garage and shop and green house, bard and riding arena.
Tonight we go to our local Fet Life munch where we will see many dear friends. It's been a couple of months since we have been, and we both like seeing our friends.
I have been going to the local adult lunch munch held on Wed's in our area with my Wed lunch friend and we have been enjoying it very much. In fact, met another rugby player there, very charming chap! I came to send him the link to the Rugby Thighs post I did, and low and behold, found I'd not done a post in over a year. I woulda sworn it had been only been about 7 months or so.
So here is a quick update, and I will write more soon. I have some lovely new toys I want to post and show here. Flora and Fauna....
Best to all!
1 week ago