Greetings Friends and Readers...
First.. that sign. Didn't realize what kinda store I was in till I looked at the clerks shirt and did a double take. Then I noted the sign on the wall. They seem so be a very helpful corporation as there are many stretches cleaned by Kum & Go. Teeeeheeee.. stll gives me a chuckle.
From Colorado Springs, we went onward and spent the night in Hays Kansas. Windy as all get out. And a tiny bathroom, only 2 tiles wide for the 'seating area', I kid you not. From there it was to Stewartsville, MO where my best friend from HS was. We got there just in time for dinner with her boyfriend and a couple of her adorable grandkids.. and two wonderful feline fur baby's, one of whom opted to get up with me at 4:45 am (central time now) to watch the Royal Wedding. I'd watched his parents get married the year I got out of the service with some friends, and for some reason, I just really wanted to watch it live. Both my friend and traveling companion opted out. But Furbaby was in. At least I didn't feel so bad after hearing that 8,000 folks in Kansas City got up for it to go sit next to Diana's wedding dress. Well, excuse me, only 3,000 only got to be next to the dress.. the other 5000 were out some place in a building NEXT to where the dress was. So I didn't feel quite so funny to be curled up on my friends couch with a purring kitty watching at happy love story unfold. Them Brits sure can throw a wedding, I'll say that! And I thought Harry was a kick.. like a mischievous kitten.. just waiting for something fun to bat at.
I started watching just after Kate was in the car at 4:45... and watched till 6:30 when they went into Buckingham Palace. I did througly enjoy it I have to admit. Then went back to bed for a few hours. We were up and out by noon and onto LeClaire, where the show American Picker's is shot. Interesting store, but much smaller then we thought. Then it was off to Chicago. Boy was it windy! We drove by Millennium Park and around a bit before settling into our hotel for the evening. We are about 13 hours from our final destination and plan on a long drive tomorrow to make it on Mon.
Pet has been in constant contact with me. He spent the today working on painting some trip and installing the new sprinkler system in preparation for possible sodding the lawn next weekend. He sent lots of pictures, and I greatly appreciated. Didn't feel like I was missing on all the yard renovation fun. Am certainly wishing him well in his projects.
Well, time to sign off.. long ass drive tomorrow.
Best to all,