I wrote a few weeks ago about My new girl pet in Second Life.
Things have been progressing along very well. I greatly enjoy the home we have together. Each eve online ends with her normally dancing a bit, and on her new restraint/display device, and then a bit of cuddling before I go. I thought I had pics of her up on it, but as I can't find them these pics of us shall suffice for now. The top one was taken in a photography studio that is hidden in the mountain of our new school.
The next, was taken in her little room in the house, complete with her wee kitty bed. And the last, is the way most of our evening end, with her dancing for Me while I watch from our cuddle couch.
Thina has been a wonderful pet and companion in SL. She is a busy girl with many friends, and is a Mentor, teaching some other girls the art of submission. It was suggested to her that she should have a school for it.. and after we looked for land to place such a school, I realized that I almost never used My land that had a tiki house on it, and so after consulting with Sir Robert, we decided to surprise girl by converting the land from My house, to a school for the slaves. Thina liked the idea of a classic Roman school, and as I have always liked the architecture of it, it has been a project we have all worked on, and it's come about to be a lovely place.
We have some staff already, Myself as Head Mystress, Thina, as Mystress' Girl, her two girls bri and chris are Senior Slaves. Sir Robert serves as Head Master and Protector, and thina's sister, Helyn also serves as a Protector of the Gardens. Paladin shall also server as a Protector.
The new place is called Thina's Training Gardens, so if any of you happen to be in Second Life and would like to see the place, feel free to drop by. We also have a place for public discussions that we'll be posting as events in SL later.
A favorite thing I love to go to is a wonderful particle show, which is particle art set to music. Simply amazing! I've taken girl, Sir Robert and our friend Angel as well . I'll be insisting that Paladin join Me as well the next time the show coincides with a time he'll be online. I would have yesterday, but he was visiting a friend, and I didn't want to make him leave to come see it. I know how important his friends and time with his friends is. It helps him to recharge and be a better pet for Me. The same actually is also true with Thina. I know each nite after I go off to bed, she spends time with her friends, and this keeps her happy and well.
So, time in both worlds is pretty good.
I wish the best to all in both,
and hope life brings you more smiles then tears,